Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author schlatterbeck
Recipients jerrykan, schlatterbeck, techtonik
Date 2015-09-07.08:44:10
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
On Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 08:20:45AM +0000, anatoly techtonik wrote:
> And as for the subject of this ticket, I think we can try to move
> py.test. Just don't forget to include argumentation for those who
> will jump in later.

I also followed this ticket and also think we can move to a new
framework. Note that currently we're skipping tests if some package is
not installed (e.g. mysql, postgres) and report about skipped tests in
that case. So it should still be possible to run all tests for which the
necessary dependencies exist and skip the rest.

Date User Action Args
2015-09-07 08:44:10schlatterbecksetrecipients: + schlatterbeck, techtonik, jerrykan
2015-09-07 08:44:10schlatterbecklinkissue2550894 messages
2015-09-07 08:44:10schlatterbeckcreate