Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author schlatterbeck
Recipients rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2016-07-18.12:01:53
Message-id <>
Does the version Class have an 'order' property? If so, sorting is
easily achieved by setting this appropriately for each item. If not I
suggest we add one instead of coding a custom sort in the templating.

No strong feelings on the minor releases, this is a balance between
usefulness for reproducing something and reporters willing to set the
Date User Action Args
2016-07-18 12:01:54schlatterbecksetmessageid: <>
2016-07-18 12:01:54schlatterbecksetrecipients: + schlatterbeck, rouilj
2016-07-18 12:01:54schlatterbecklinkissue2550918 messages
2016-07-18 12:01:53schlatterbeckcreate