Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author cmeerw
Recipients ber, cmeerw, joseph_myers, rouilj
Date 2018-07-21.14:57:45
Message-id <>
I have now gone through the patches: there are a few things that might 
affect behaviour on Python 2:

patch 0003: in frontends/ZRoundup/, line 211
  uses "raise Exception" instead of "raise" with a string literal (not 
sure if this has any real world impact)

patch 0012: in roundup/backends/, line 674
  catches Exception instead of StandardError (probably benign)

patch 0042: in roundup/, line 44
  doesn't check for ascii encoding any more

patch 0044: in roudup/cgi/TAL/, line 759
  FasterStringIO optimization has been removed

and I guess there might be some performance impact for Python 2 users 
because of "iteritems" -> "items" changes and extra "list" calls - not 
sure if we should care about these
Date User Action Args
2018-07-21 14:57:46cmeerwsetmessageid: <>
2018-07-21 14:57:46cmeerwsetrecipients: + cmeerw, ber, rouilj, joseph_myers
2018-07-21 14:57:46cmeerwlinkissue2550960 messages
2018-07-21 14:57:45cmeerwcreate