Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author joseph_myers
Recipients joseph_myers
Date 2018-07-25.19:41:49
Message-id <>
We need to ensure that the CSV format used for export/import is properly
compatible across Python versions.  UTF-8 strings are included in
exports with \x escapes for the individual bytes of the UTF-8
representation (because that's how Python 2 does repr of a str object).
 Special care will be needed to keep this compatible for an export with
one Python version to be importable with another Python version.
Date User Action Args
2018-07-25 19:41:49joseph_myerssetrecipients: + joseph_myers
2018-07-25 19:41:49joseph_myerssetmessageid: <>
2018-07-25 19:41:49joseph_myerslinkissue2550976 messages
2018-07-25 19:41:49joseph_myerscreate