Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ber, jerrykan, rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2019-03-10.16:14:00
Message-id <>
I was unable to find Ralf's emails in the list other than one note that
it should be fixable by changing mysql's my.cnf.

Looking at doc/mysql.txt, a fix for this is condition to change the
max_allowed_packet size setting. See also:

which indicates it could also be an out of memory condition, connection
limit or a timeout being hit.
The interactive_timeout and wait_timeout values are by default: 28800
seconds or 8 hours and the entire run
takes only 20 minutes. There are no settings for these vars in my.cnf
that would reduce the value.
Max_connections is 151 by default, again I don't think this is an issue.

I tried to edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf change that to 500M (from 16M) and
restart the server. This seems to have been done correctly according to
the log:

see lines: 5851 and 5927

but the 14 errors are still there.

Looking at the errors, some look like an example of issue2550743 as
these failing tests are indexer based:

test/ FAILED             
 [ 28%]
test/ FAILED      
 [ 28%]
test/ FAILED             
 [ 28%]
test/ FAILED              
 [ 28%]
test/ FAILED       
 [ 28%]
test/ FAILED        
 [ 28%]
test/ FAILED          
 [ 28%]
test/ FAILED      
 [ 28%]

but these failing tests/errors:

test/ FAILED               
 [ 65%]
test/ FAILED                
 [ 65%]
test/ FAILED                  
 [ 66%]
test/ FAILED            
 [ 66%]
test/ FAILED         
 [ 66%]
test/ FAILED   
 [ 66%]
test/ ERROR    
 [ 66%]

aren't AFAIK indexer based.

The errors always come from:

    def sql_close(self):
>           self.conn.close()
E           OperationalError: (2006, '')
roundup/backends/ OperationalError

So I am stumped.
Date User Action Args
2019-03-10 16:14:00rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2019-03-10 16:14:00rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, schlatterbeck, ber, jerrykan
2019-03-10 16:14:00rouiljlinkissue2551025 messages
2019-03-10 16:14:00rouiljcreate