Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author tekberg
Recipients joseph_myers, rouilj, tekberg
Date 2019-03-26.15:55:35
Message-id <>

Thanks for testing the test case in python2. I didn't think of it. To
help me write the test case I came up with this matrix for the names in
the expression:

Name   	       Python3 w/o fix 	 Python2   Fix
context		     Y 	      	    Y  	    Y
x                                           Y
user_realnames	      		    Y 	    Y
assignedto	     Y		    Y
realname	     		    Y

If you look at the expression you will realize that only context and
user_realnames are external variables, and so are required. It doesn't
matter if x is there or not since it is local and initialized, and
assignedto and realname are members of context and x, respectively.

I updated and ran the test case with these results:

~/src/tracker-new/roundup-code$ python2 test/
====================================== test session starts
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.12, pytest-2.9.2, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
rootdir: /home/tekberg/src/tracker-new/roundup-code, inifile:
collected 1 items

test/ .

==================================== 1 passed in 0.02 seconds
~/src/tracker-new/roundup-code$ python test/
====================================== test session starts
platform linux -- Python 3.5.2, pytest-2.9.2, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
rootdir: /home/tekberg/src/tracker-new/roundup-code, inifile:
collected 1 items

test/ .

==================================== 1 passed in 0.04 seconds
Date User Action Args
2019-03-26 15:55:35tekbergsetmessageid: <>
2019-03-26 15:55:35tekbergsetrecipients: + tekberg, rouilj, joseph_myers
2019-03-26 15:55:35tekberglinkissue2551026 messages
2019-03-26 15:55:35tekbergcreate