Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ber
Recipients ThomasAH, ber, rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2019-04-19.20:14:16
Message-id <>
[x] Email to roundup-users send.
[x] Inline display of attached source files works (with line numbers)
    with current 1.9 Moinmoin versions. (The problem I've mentioned
    was me making a mistake.)

[ ] Wait a few days for comments.
[ ] Notify Waldmann-EDV that we accept their offer
[ ] Find out who can change our DNS (Richards Jones?)
[ ] Check for additional plugins (probably none)
[ ] Check that we and our theme works on MoinMoin 1.9 (hopefully)
[ ] Cleanout spam-pages
[ ] Cleanout or think about how to cleanout (spam) users
[ ] Give clean copy to waldmann-edv
[ ] Plan migration with everyone involve
[ ] Migrate
[ ] Announce migration
[ ] Enjoy better wiki! \o/
Date User Action Args
2019-04-19 20:14:16bersetmessageid: <>
2019-04-19 20:14:16bersetrecipients: + ber, schlatterbeck, rouilj, ThomasAH
2019-04-19 20:14:16berlinkissue2551027 messages
2019-04-19 20:14:16bercreate