Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ThomasAH, ber, rouilj
Date 2019-08-07.21:34:27
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi Bern:

In message <>,
Bernhard Reiter writes:
>first sorry for the long break on this issue.
>There was vacation time in Germany.

No problem.

>To answer your question:
>Current spam protection for MoinMoin wikis recommends that we
>allow editors screen by a person.

So the user user applies to get editor privs through MoinMoin and some
person/people can acknowledge the request and get them access?

Should we set up the notifications to go to the devel list? That's
where the project "admins" hang out.

>Given it some thought I believe this is
>fine (at least for the time being). Our list of accounts probably contains
>a number of fake accounts which were only created for the purpose of
>spamming, thus my suggestion is that we start with a fresh manual list
>and transfer those accounts.

That works for me. Is there a way to see the most recent editor on all
the wiki pages. That may be a good initial list of users to transfer.
As I assume the most recent editor would be the person who reverted
any spam, or the last non-spam editor.

Alternatively if we have last login time, delete all users
who have not logged in in the past two years?

>Technically we could transfer them all, but I think it will be
>suboptimal for our purposes as outlined above.

I agree. Even though I think I purged a bunch of spammers a few years
ago, there are probably more in the list.

Have a great week and thanks again for working on this.

BTW do you have the info you need to move DNS records for the host
(and get an SSL cert)?
Date User Action Args
2019-08-07 21:34:28rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, ber, ThomasAH
2019-08-07 21:34:28rouiljlinkissue2551045 messages
2019-08-07 21:34:27rouiljcreate