Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients matt109, rouilj
Date 2019-09-19.17:05:46
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi Matt:

In message <>,
Matt writes:
>The issue has now resolved itself...
>I have performed a diff on my HTML folder and the 1.6.1 source HTML
>folder and recreated all differences. As I have customised the
>tracker with extra fields and lookups, I have only ever updated the
>HTML as advised in the upgrade document not performed a complete
>source refresh...
>The most likely looking candidate was this missing declaration in the
>style.css file:
>pre {
>  white-space: pre-wrap;

Ah that could be it. I don't have access to mercurial from here to see
when that change was added.

Also can you check the actual message file. It should be in

So if you are looking at msg101, it will be in 


for message 3303 it will be in


for message 31300 it will be in


etc. if you have 100000 messages the # will be 100.

Find one of your messages and see if it is line wrapped in the actual
file. If so then the problem was in display and not in generating the

Why this changed all of sudden in firefox I am not sure.

Maybe a change to the default syle sheet? Seems to be a bit odd that
that would happen but...

>Now when adding a message, the text no longer is getting truncated
>with hard returns. Instead word wrap seems to be correctly handled by
>the browser depending on the size of the text area.

It looks like pre-wrap according to mozilla
is defined as:

    Sequences of white space are preserved. Lines are broken at
    newline characters, at <br>, and as necessary to fill line boxes.

so I would expect that newlines in the source msg file would be
preserved in the web view.

>I have kept the original HTML folder, with the issue, if you
>would like me to do any more investigation...

I can see the css change as the cause for your original issue. I
appreciate your keeping the original source but I don't think it is
needed for followup.

If you are happy with the current state, please close this as fixed.

Thanks to your report we have this ticket to point to if somebody else
comes up with the same issue.
Date User Action Args
2019-09-19 17:05:46rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, matt109
2019-09-19 17:05:46rouiljlinkissue2551060 messages
2019-09-19 17:05:46rouiljcreate