Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author tekberg
Recipients Ivan Pozdeev, ber, pefu, richard, rouilj, stefan, tekberg
Date 2019-10-07.14:30:58
Message-id <>
The note_filter parameter allows one to have a different body section for a nosy message. It could be modified to allow one to change message properties. That would only be used for the UW trackers. This is a small snippet of ansible code that comments Precedence bulk the line out:

  - name: comment out prececence bulk
      path: "{{ TRACKER_SRC }}/roundup/"
      regexp: '^(\s*.*Precedence.*bulk.)$'
      backrefs: yes
      line: '#\1'

It gets applied after the roundup code is untarred on the tracker host. This way I can keep up with the roundup tip and still be able to have nosy emails not dropped by the UW changes to mailman.
Date User Action Args
2019-10-07 14:30:58tekbergsetmessageid: <>
2019-10-07 14:30:58tekbergsetrecipients: + tekberg, richard, stefan, ber, rouilj, pefu, Ivan Pozdeev
2019-10-07 14:30:58tekberglinkissue2550564 messages
2019-10-07 14:30:58tekbergcreate