Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ThomasAH, ber, justus.winter, rouilj
Date 2019-11-07.22:33:08
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi Thomas:

In message <>,
Thomas Arendsen Hein writes:
>> Alternate names:
>>   chatting_requires_two_people
>I really like that, though I'd recommend "users" instead of
>"peeople", because users is what Roundup knows about:

That works for me.

>> I really need an entire sentence to make it clear. I am considering
>> calling it Fred and just adding:
>+1 for Fred ;-)

Sorry Fred.

>>    [statusauditor]
>>    # Options for
>>    #
>>    # Assume an issue has a status of unread and was created by the
>>    # demo user.
>>    # If False, a new message on an issue sets status to chatting.
>>    # If True, a new message sets the status to chatting only if the
>>    #   author of the new message is not demo. A message sent by demo
>>    #   keeps the issue status at unread.
>>    fred = False                                        
>An alternative could be to include the value in the "sentence",
>something like:
># Options for
># Automatically set an issue with the current status "unread" to
># "chatting" if a new message is added.
># Possible settings:
>#   never:
>#     Disable this feature
>#   always:
>#     Do this for any message
>#   others:
>#     Do this only if users other than the initial creator of the
>#     issue send a reply
>#   assignedto:
>#     Do this only if the user who is listed in the assignedto
>#     attribute of the issue replies
>auto_chatting = {never,always,others,assignedto}

That would be a nice enhancement, but I want to get this ticket
closed.  Adding these enhancements lso includes questions like:

  how to control chatting from none, done-cbb and closed statuses
  (more values in the option, or more options??)

  requests to prevent autoopen/chatting if ticket has been
     closed for more than N days

  "thank you" detection to prevent reopening for a thank you note.

Each of these could be a separate enhancement.

If your suggested enhancement is implemented, it can be backwards
compatible with:

     Disable this feature
   always (or chatting_requires_two_users=False):
     Do this for any message
   others (or chatting_requires_two_users=True):
     Do this only if users other than the initial creator of the
     issue send a reply
    Do this only if the user who is listed in the assignedto
     attribute of the issue replies

I'll try to get a final cut of chatting_requires_two_users as speced
checked in tonight.
Date User Action Args
2019-11-07 22:33:09rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, ber, ThomasAH, justus.winter
2019-11-07 22:33:09rouiljlinkissue2550926 messages
2019-11-07 22:33:08rouiljcreate