Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ThomasAH
Recipients LudwigReiter, ThomasAH
Date 2019-11-29.10:00:25
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
* Ludwig Reiter <> [20191129 10:57]:
> * implement a client side wrap with javascript and for FF only.

This does not have to be only for Firefox, it could be used for all
browsers to get a consistent word wrap behaviour (ideally with
a preview to show how the wrap will be at the end, currently you can
only see the result after submitting) across all browsers.
Date User Action Args
2019-11-29 10:00:25ThomasAHsetrecipients: + ThomasAH, LudwigReiter
2019-11-29 10:00:25ThomasAHlinkissue2551070 messages
2019-11-29 10:00:25ThomasAHcreate