Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ThomasAH, dannio, rouilj
Date 2020-03-03.03:37:06
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi Thomas:

In message <>,
Thomas Arendsen Hein writes:
>Registration form looks good to me, thank you.

You're welcome.

>I guess completely removing the phone number from this tracker and
>all templates might be important, because
>- GDPR (do not collect data that you do not require)

Good point.

>- I don't think anyone would remember updating their phone numer
>  in Roundup trackers, so this wouldn't be a reliable "phone book"
>  anyway.

I have to admit I have never dropped a populated element from the
schema. Dropping the field from the schema will make it inaccessible
via the tracker.

Do you know if removing the phone number from is sufficient
to also delete the data? Do I have to drop the data using the database
tools as well?

Given that I can't change the type of a property by removing it from
the schema and adding a new property with the same name but different
type, I suspect that the data and original property stay in the
database and are just inaccessible.

Have a great day.
Date User Action Args
2020-03-03 03:37:06rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, ThomasAH, dannio
2020-03-03 03:37:06rouiljlinkissue2551082 messages
2020-03-03 03:37:06rouiljcreate