Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients rouilj, tekberg
Date 2020-05-14.18:03:28
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi Tom:

In message <>,
Tom Ekberg writes:
>I'm using the roundup admin code to create messages, files and issues.
>Some of the files are rather large.

I assume the message/file contents include the = character. Am I
correct that this is a performance issue and doesn't cause a bad
message/file to be created?

> ...
>As you can see, a split is done on '=' and then a length check is
>done. After that, the variables key and value are assigned. The value
>part does a join on '=' to reconstitute it. A better approach is to
>use the maxsplit argument for split:
> ...
>While this may not be important for small propname/value pairs in
>roundup-admin, it is important when the value is large, like
>files. In addition, the code is simpler. If you would like a diff
>and/or a test case for this, please let me know.

Yes please diff and test case since you offered.

Also can you share how you are calling roundup-admin to add the
messge/file bodies?

I always thought that it would be good to provide a way to have the
content read from a file. I had issues attaching an image using
roundup-admin a while ago.

Maybe something like content=<<images/filename.jpg>> to read
images/filename.jpg if it exists. If <<images/filename.jpg>> doesn't
exist, the literal string '<<images/filename.jpg>>' would be the

I am ok with line 101-103 deletion.

Have a great day.
				-- rouilj
John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.
Date User Action Args
2020-05-14 18:03:29rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, tekberg
2020-05-14 18:03:28rouiljlinkissue2551084 messages
2020-05-14 18:03:28rouiljcreate