Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients rouilj, tekberg
Date 2020-05-16.16:05:33
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi Tom:

In message <>,
Tom Ekberg writes:
>This is the class I created to return the ids, instead of writing
>them to stdout. (There is more text after the class.)
>This class gets instantiated the normal way
>    tool = Admin(args)
>and gets called with
>    id = tool.run_command(command)
>    ids[command[1]] = id
>With the id being stored in a dict. A command is a list of roundup-admin arguments:
> ['create', 'msg', ...
> ['create', 'file', ...
> ['create', 'issue', 'files=%s' % ids['file'], 'messages=%s' % ids['message'], ...

Got it. I thought you were using the CLI to create new issues

That's an interesting use of the admin module. Are you familiar with
scripts/add-issue that uses the native tracker instance to create
issues. I suspect it performs better than wrapping admin, even with
your needed performance cleanups.

>Hopefully that make sense. Now on to your comment. This is purely a
>performance issue. The file data I'm creating is a PDF file, which
>may contain the '=' character. I'm still debugging the code. On my
>last test the acrobat reader didn't like the PDF file format. I'll
>need to compare what is in the tracker file system with the original
>PDF file.

I would be interested in adding your class/command when you get it
working as I think it's an easier path for occasional use by a

>To get to this point, especially the create issue command, I realized
>that the roundup-admin documentation could be beefed up a bit. I
>eventually determined that 'roundup-admin -i dir specification issue'
>helped with the files and messages properties of the create issue

There is a man page available that mentions the specification command
(I fixed a formatting glitch in it just this morning). However that is
not linked from anywhere in the official doc tree. I'll have to see
how I can do that.

I think having additional documentation of roundup-admin in
doc/admin_guide.txt would be good. In addition to a test case and
patch for the module, would you be able to write up a section
for the admin_guide on using roundup-admin. Maybe include a few use
cases that have been most useful to you?

Have a great weekend.
Date User Action Args
2020-05-16 16:05:33rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, tekberg
2020-05-16 16:05:33rouiljlinkissue2551084 messages
2020-05-16 16:05:33rouiljcreate