Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ced
Recipients ced, rouilj
Date 2020-10-22.14:29:02
Message-id <20201022142850.GJ3453@kei>
In-reply-to <>
On 2020-10-22 14:19, John Rouillard wrote:
> 1) currently I am only trapping TypeError rather than Exception.
>    I have a feeling it should trap the latter. Thoughts?

I guess it is safer to catch any exception.

> 2) should this result in an email to the maintainer similar to other
>    exceptions?

I do not think if the content is displayed as raw text (so no http error
status) because this mean that each time someone consult the issue with
a bad message, the administrator will receive a notification.
Date User Action Args
2020-10-22 14:29:03cedsetrecipients: + ced, rouilj
2020-10-22 14:29:03cedlinkissue2551093 messages
2020-10-22 14:29:02cedcreate