Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ced, rouilj
Date 2021-03-12.06:50:26
Message-id <>
Hi Cedric:

Check out rev 6f89cdc7c938. I think I fixed your reported cases:


I also tested to make sure that:

  [issue1] (

(incorrect markdown syntax) did replace the first issue1 with
a link. Note that mistune does process the url into a link.
The other two back ends just leave it as is.

I was not able to reproduce your test case where the input:


tried to turn the issue1 in into a link.
From the regexp that matches designators (aka items) I don't
see why the issue1 isn't being returned but.....

Can you take a look and if it solves your issue please close this 


-- rouilj

P.S. rev 316c2c32dace is needed to fix some test cases broken by my 
changes to the test harness.
Date User Action Args
2021-03-12 06:50:26rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2021-03-12 06:50:26rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, ced
2021-03-12 06:50:26rouiljlinkissue2551108 messages
2021-03-12 06:50:26rouiljcreate