Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ajaksu2, richard, rouilj, stefan
Date 2021-03-14.01:42:29
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi Stefan:

In message <>,
Stefan Seefeld writes:
>Do you have a publicly accessible tracker instance I could use to
>test this ? I'm afraid I don't know how to set up a new instance,
>and I don't have time right now to dive in to learn it.


   https://rouilj.dynamic-dns dot net/demo/

replacing "dot" with a '.'. The xmlrpc endpoint should be;

   https://rouilj.dynamic-dns dot net/demo/xmlrpc

Login user: demo, password: demo.

That user should have the /xmlrpc endpoint enabled. If you go the the
tracker and look at issue1, you will have directions on the various

Note this is an extensively modified tracker compared to the classic
tracker, but the issue object has messages, title, status etc. so you
should be able to generate an example that will work with the classic

Thanks for taking a shot at creating an example.
Date User Action Args
2021-03-14 01:42:29rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, richard, stefan, ajaksu2
2021-03-14 01:42:29rouiljlinkissue2550554 messages
2021-03-14 01:42:29rouiljcreate