Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author schlatterbeck
Recipients rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2021-09-01.07:44:07
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
On Wed, Sep 01, 2021 at 02:26:09AM +0000, John Rouillard wrote:

> If my index is displaying all items in the tracker, the filterspec is
> None.  I then get the following traceback:

How about setting the filterspec to {}
That's what I usually use in such a case.

> my claim is that a None filter should create a non-filtering proptree
> that will return all issues when evaluated. But I am not sure if that
> is valid later in the code.

See above, an empty dictionary should do the trick.

> I can work around this by setting the filterspec passed to cl.filter
> to something that will evaluate to true for every issue. But I don't
> know if there is such a filter.

Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck                  Tel:   +43/2243/26465-16
Open Source Consulting                  www:
Reichergasse 131, A-3411 Weidling       email:
Date User Action Args
2021-09-01 07:44:07schlatterbecksetrecipients: + schlatterbeck, rouilj
2021-09-01 07:44:07schlatterbecklinkissue2551159 messages
2021-09-01 07:44:07schlatterbeckcreate