Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author marcus.priesch
Recipients marcus.priesch, rouilj
Date 2021-11-30.10:11:30
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi John,

yes, there is a share beside lib64, but i have a different thought on
the whole problem (thinking about it one or the other time) on a more
generic level:

wouldnt it make sense to install only the minimum necessary to run
roundup in a standardized way and to let all the other fancy stuff as an
exercise for the individual distribution's package maintainer ?

otherwise you will most likely end up covering all different
distribution's aspects in your - which you obviously dont want
to do ...

lets say when i use "pip install roundup" in a virtualenv (thats mostly
how i develop python) i dont care about man pages and stuff being
installed at the correct place - i.e. what would the correct place be
after all ? i would assume somewhere inside the virtualenv path (as
that's what virtualenvs are all about in the end) - but i am pretty sure
that "man" wont find it there.

on the other hand, when i install roundup with my distribution's
software installer (e.g. apt install roundup) i would expect to have all
things installed in the correct places and to let "man" find the
installed man pages (if any) ... but thats clear the duty of the package

when i install as superuser using "pip install roundup" or "
install" (which in my opinion nobody should do at all) - everything goes
into /usr/local ... and ... hmmm, maybe i should be prepared that not
everything ends up being installed in the correct place (if using gentoo
at least ;) - but these aspects again should be covered with correctly
working setuptools et al (correctly patched by the gentoo devs so that
these files end up being installed in the correct place and are
accessible by "man") ...

maybe take a look at how django handles it - as i think it is
comaparable in terms of needs.

at least it installs one script 'django-admin' and a man page for it:

Date User Action Args
2021-11-30 10:11:31marcus.prieschsetrecipients: + marcus.priesch, rouilj
2021-11-30 10:11:31marcus.prieschlinkissue2551169 messages
2021-11-30 10:11:30marcus.prieschcreate