Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author tekberg
Recipients rouilj, tekberg
Date 2021-11-30.22:55:31
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>

The pypy' program is new to me. The description on says 'PyPy is a very fast and compliant implementation of the Python language.' It sounds like this is a reimplementation of python, not the one that most people use (just python or python3). This may not be a bug in roundup, but a bug in pypy. I installed pypy3 and was able to verify the error with this command: pypy3 -c 'import symtable'. It seems to me if one can't import symtable then that means that pypy3 isn't really a complete implementation of python. Perhaps the consensus was that nobody uses that module. You can see the documentation for the module here:

Tom Ekberg
Senior Computer Specialist
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
4th Floor, Pat Steel Building, currently WFH
Home: (253) 561-2509
Date User Action Args
2021-11-30 22:55:31tekbergsetrecipients: + tekberg, rouilj
2021-11-30 22:55:31tekberglinkissue2551174 messages
2021-11-30 22:55:31tekbergcreate