Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ngaba, rouilj
Date 2022-02-21.03:33:56
Message-id <>
Hi Nagy:

Thanks for identifying the issue and your patch. Can you try replacing your change with:

                                     if labelprop is not None and \
                                             labelprop != 'id':
-                                        label = linkcl.get(linkid, labelprop)
+                                        label = linkcl.get(linkid, labelprop,
+                                                           default=self._("[la\
bel is missing]"))
                                         label = html_escape(label)

and tell me if it still fixes the issue. Feel free to replace the string "[label is missing]".
Keep the self._() call as it allows the string to be localized. Given how get() is
implemented, I think this is the better way to fix the issue.

Also an added benefit is to allow the string to be translated or overridden using the
translation system.

I just wish I could figure out how to test this code. I have spent more than an hour
trying to figure out how to get a test and database entries right to trigger this code.

-- rouilj
Date User Action Args
2022-02-21 03:33:56rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2022-02-21 03:33:56rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, ngaba
2022-02-21 03:33:56rouiljlinkissue2551196 messages
2022-02-21 03:33:56rouiljcreate