Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author marcus.priesch
Recipients marcus.priesch, rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2022-04-29.10:11:03
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hello Ralf,

> python -m pytest test

thanks a lot, would be nice if that would have found it's way into
developers.txt - with all the other stuff one needs to run the tests
correctly. maybe we could make a docker container where everything is
set up correctly to run the tests ?

here is my next patch where only one test in fails.

the interesting part is that when i only run the test alone it does not
fail ?

$ LANG="" python -m pytest test/
========================== test session starts ===========================
platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.18, pytest-4.6.11, py-1.11.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/pr/work/projects/5t-roundup/roundup.hg
collected 20 items

test/ X...................                       [100%]

================= 19 passed, 1 xpassed in 10.23 seconds ==================

when i run all tests, it fails:

test/ x.................F.  [ 34%]

hmmm ...

i also fixed which did not find the locales, i am not sure
if i do the test setup in the correct way - but as i did not change
anything in roundup.i18n ... did this test work at all ?

File name Uploaded
improve_i18n_4.patch marcus.priesch, 2022-04-29.10:11:01
Date User Action Args
2022-04-29 10:11:03marcus.prieschsetrecipients: + marcus.priesch, schlatterbeck, rouilj
2022-04-29 10:11:03marcus.prieschlinkissue2551184 messages
2022-04-29 10:11:03marcus.prieschcreate