Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author tonimueller
Recipients austin, rouilj, tonimueller
Date 2022-05-14.02:24:45
Message-id <>
I stumbled across the same error. No template was included in my installation of Roundup, which I did in a virtualenv with "pip install roundup". I manually copied the ./share/roundup/templates folder from the source archive into the roundup folder inside the virtualenv, and modified as follows:

In line 317, it reads:

    for N in 2, 4, 5, 6:

I modified this to read:

    for N in 1, 2, 4, 5, 6:

Now, the folder 'share' will be found, and I can choose from any template.
Date User Action Args
2022-05-14 02:24:45tonimuellersetmessageid: <>
2022-05-14 02:24:45tonimuellersetrecipients: + tonimueller, rouilj, austin
2022-05-14 02:24:45tonimuellerlinkissue2550995 messages
2022-05-14 02:24:45tonimuellercreate