Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author tekberg
Recipients rouilj, tekberg
Date 2022-07-18.21:39:26
Message-id <>
I was updating my config.ini moving from 2.1 to 2.2. I noticed that the line 

# Available backends: anydbm, sqlite

near line 572 was missing databases.

I know that mysql and postgresql are available, but are not shown in this list. I tried to follow 
the code but got lost, otherwise I'd suggest a fix.
Date User Action Args
2022-07-18 21:39:26tekbergsetrecipients: + tekberg, rouilj
2022-07-18 21:39:26tekbergsetmessageid: <>
2022-07-18 21:39:26tekberglinkissue2551222 messages
2022-07-18 21:39:26tekbergcreate