Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients rouilj
Date 2022-11-13.16:50:59
Message-id <>
The OIDC code was written as a GSOC by Enrico Carbognani while he was an undergraduate
at the University of Luxembourg who goes by naccht. A blog entry by the author:


  I had issues getting the headers in the GET request in Roundup Actions. As the
  documentation doesn't have much on this regard and as I couldn't find similar
  pieces of code I had to study Roundup's source code to understand how to achieve it.

I am not sure if he was referring to accessing the response headers from a get or adding 
additional header to a get. I didn't find any examples of the former, but he has
a few references to:

  self.client.additional_headers['Content-Type'] = ...

in openid_login so that might be the reference. There are no hit on additional_headers
in the doc directory.
Date User Action Args
2022-11-13 16:50:59rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj
2022-11-13 16:50:59rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2022-11-13 16:50:59rouiljlinkissue2551240 messages
2022-11-13 16:50:59rouiljcreate