Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients Eph, rouilj
Date 2023-08-17.16:37:46
Message-id <>
Hello Eph:

I was going to ask for some additional info and outline my ability to reproduce it.
While I was doing that I found the bug in Apparently this has been
broken on windows since roundup 2.1.0 was released 8-(.

Sorry I didn't catch it earlier. We don't have many windows users, so welcome aboard 8-)?

Python under windows uses 'Lib' and not 'lib' and I was only looking for lower case
lib. This triggers an infinite loop. I will be committing a change shortly that fixes
this in two different ways.

However this won't help you right now. I discovered that 'pip download' runs the script from the source distribution 8-(. This means that pip download
also hangs 8-/.

If you still want to use Roundup, download the tarball from
using your browser or other means not involving pip 8-).

Untar it using your virtualenv with:

  python -c "import tarfile, sys;[1]).extractall();" roundup-2.3.0.tar.gz

(note the version on the home page is missing the sys import and has the wrong quotes.)

Use cd to change into the roundup-2.3.0 directory and run:

  python install --prefix=%VIRTUAL_ENV%

Setting an explicit prefix bypasses the buggy code and will install Roundup.

The command line tools (roundup-admin, roundup-server, roundup-demo etc.) will
be installed into the Scripts subdirectory of your virtual environment.
Depending on how you installed Python they should be on your PATH.

I tested this with:

and the 3.11.4 release. I used cmd in a non-elevated/non-admin shell.

   > \some\path\python3 -m venv roundup
   > roundup\Scripts\activate
   (roundup)> python -c "import tarfile, sys;[1]).extractall();" roundup-
   (roundup)> cd roundup-2.3.0
   (roundup)> python install --prefix=%VIRTUAL_ENV%
   (roundup)> roundup-admin
   Roundup 2.3.0 ready for input.
   Type "help" for help.
   Note: command history and editing not available
   roundup> [admin prompt not virtualenv prompt]

I hope this helps.

We don't have many (perhaps any given how long this bug existed) windows users. If you
still want to use Roundup, subscribing to the roundup-users mailing list
(see the Contacts menu item on the home page) is a good idea.

Also, I will be committing a change to enable command line editing under windows
for roundup-admin using pyreadline. You will have to edit the installed
to use it. Let me know if you are interested and I'll post the directions.
Date User Action Args
2023-08-17 16:37:46rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2023-08-17 16:37:46rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, Eph
2023-08-17 16:37:46rouiljlinkissue2551290 messages
2023-08-17 16:37:46rouiljcreate