Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients rouilj
Date 2023-12-11.17:27:14
Message-id <>
Roundup already supports detecting changes to an issue with:

 * HTML pages includes a hidden @lastactivity form input
 * REST API updates require an etag that must match the servers current state for the object
 * XML-RPC may not have any protection see issue2551304

however all (well except xml-rpc) detect changes only on submission.

If a user has a long running open issue and a change is done by somebody else,
it would be nice to notify the user and optionally apply that change and update
the @lastactivity/etag to bring the data in sync with the server. 

One possible way to do this is to use a long poll from a javascript worker.
One example of a long poll using python:
Date User Action Args
2023-12-11 17:27:14rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj
2023-12-11 17:27:14rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2023-12-11 17:27:14rouiljlinkissue2551305 messages
2023-12-11 17:27:14rouiljcreate