Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ivanov, rouilj
Date 2023-12-19.02:17:02
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
In message <>,
Ivanov writes:
>> changeset:   7714:b41750bf9f03
>> has a fix for the missing database name in the drop command from msg7890.
>Looks like the commit doesn't exist.

Well if I run hg push .... it should be there on the mercurial repo.
Do you use the github clone?
Date User Action Args
2023-12-19 02:17:02rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, ivanov
2023-12-19 02:17:02rouiljlinkissue2551299 messages
2023-12-19 02:17:02rouiljcreate