Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ivanov
Recipients ivanov
Date 2023-12-20.22:36:53
Message-id <>
Currently, Roundup attempts to drop a database when you call the 'init'
command in the admin console if the database has already been created.
This requires additional permissions to database user/role, which will
only really be used once.

This does not take into account that the database may have been
intentionally created in advance or that the database user may not have
the necessary privileges. In fact, the same logic is used for server
based databases and for sqlite/anydbm.

This discussion was started in issue2551299. A new issue has been opened
because the database creation bypass is not specific to postgresql.
Date User Action Args
2023-12-20 22:36:53ivanovsetrecipients: + ivanov
2023-12-20 22:36:53ivanovlinkissue2551310 messages
2023-12-20 22:36:53ivanovcreate