Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author schlatterbeck
Recipients rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2024-02-28.12:20:45
Message-id <>
I had replied by email to this but it bounced:
<>: host[] said: 454
    4.7.1 <>: Relay access denied (in reply to RCPT
    TO command)

Well here it goes:

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 11:59:34PM +0000, John Rouillard wrote:
> Should this be a tri-value:
>   True - add an index
>   Unique - add an index with a unique constraint (issue 2551113)
>   False - default don't add an index on the column
> How should this look at the calling level? Strings "true", "unique"
> "false" isn't clean.  It allows misspelling compared to boolean
> True/False values enforced by the interpreter.  Maybe some type of
> enumeration (maybe python 3 only??) the interpreter can catch?

How about 'Yes, 'Unique', 'No'?
looks cleaner than two booleans plus 'Unique'?

Hmm, if we're thinking about index creation: How about indeces over
multiple columns? Maybe make this an attribute of a class not of a

I'm usually putting these into in the top-level
directory of a tracker, something along the lines of

if hasattr(db, 'sql'):
    db.sql('create index _it_issue_status_idx on _it_issue (_status);')

But I *do* have more complicated ones like

    db.sql \
        ('create index _measurement_date_idx_ '
         'on _measurement using btree '
         '( _sensor'
         ', __retired__'
         ', (_measurement._date is not NULL) desc'
         ', _date desc'
         ', id'

I'm not sure we can generically formulate the latter one...

We might document index creation in sql as a permitted use-case...

Sometimes when tracking down a performance problem I'm experimenting
with indeces and most often document the result in but
there it is almost never really tested... because I'm dynamically
creating the index on an installed tracker.

Date User Action Args
2024-02-28 12:20:45schlatterbecksetmessageid: <>
2024-02-28 12:20:45schlatterbecksetrecipients: + schlatterbeck, rouilj
2024-02-28 12:20:45schlatterbecklinkissue2551245 messages
2024-02-28 12:20:45schlatterbeckcreate