Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2024-04-05.02:25:49
Message-id <>
> So it seems we can no longer reply to messages from our bug
> tracker.

I have a ticket open with psf. It appears this has been broken
since their OS upgrade at the begining of th year.

> On Mon, Apr 01, 2024 at 03:24:35PM +0000, John Rouillard wrote:
> > AFAICT all permission checks are in Python. Regardless of a
> > check method.
> Yes, I know, I was highlighting this because it's slow :-)


> > in filters obj_list (returned by the database) by
> > permission.
> >
> > The permissions generated from the user's Role is checked in
> > Python even if a permission has no check method.
> Yes, and the permissions are checked in arbitrary order.

Reordering the permissions can help here.

> My proposal would be to group permissions by role (so that we
> need to check only the permissions where we know the user has
> that role) *and* order the easy ones (without a check method)
> first. That way we can - Check only the permissions for the
> roles we have

How would that work? Would you need to replace a
hasPermission('View', 'issue' ...) in the core code with a
hasRole() check? If so how would the code know what Role to use?
The same permission could be in multiple roles.

Also I wonder (see below) if the permissions are grouped by role
by default.

There is a hasRole() in, but I don't think that's
used outside of the templating system. Also as I remember it
checks for Anonymous and maybe Admin roles only. These are the
only two roles with predefined meanings.

> - Check the easy ones first. On first hit we stop. That way in
>   cases where a user has permissions that are easy to check we
>   stop early without touching the performance-problematic ones

This is my understanding of how things work, do you agree?

1) user authenticates
2) user's roles are looked up
3) security object is populated with the permissions associated
   with the user's roles
4) hasPermission(X) calls are made to see if the user can do X

Sorting to put "easy ones" first makes sense. See below on my
questions about ordering/reordering.

> > Pushing permissions down to the DB backend is an interesting
> > idea. Sadly I can't think of a way to make it happen. With
> > the check method, Roundup's access control changes from an
> > RBAC system to something more powerful. In theory I can use a
> > check method on a permission to deny access based on time of
> > day.
> Sure. I was thinking of having less expressive permissions than
> we currently have with check methods. We may find that for many
> use-cases we can formulate permissions that are checkable in
> SQL.

AFAIK access is denied only if no permission matches. A
permission can't return a "deny", it only says "I don't
match". Is that your understanding as well?

I can see a way to do some of this if we define relationships


which are done via check commands currently. These map to a
database check on 'creator' and 'actor'. But expressing a
permission like:

  If the issue is marked private the user needs to be on one of
     two access lists (nosy and verynosy in my case) to see the

requires a like check for the id number in the two fields. Not
insurmountable. But you would need to define some sort of method
to implement this using a join (maybe, my SQL isn't great).

> > AFAIK, permissions aren't sorted by role. The role is used to
> > generate a list of permissions and then is discarded. Did you
> > mean permission type/name?
> I meant that as a proposed change, see above.

Ok. It's possible that the role does have an impact on
ordering. See below.

> > Grouping the permission list by type/class:
> >
> >    P[edit][user] = [
> >        Permission('edit', user, [name, phonenumber], during_daytime)
> >    ]
> >
> >    P[view][issue] = [Permission('view', issue,),
> >             Permission('view', issue, [title, nosy, priority,])]
> >
> >    ...
> >
> > makes selecting all permissions by type and class an O(1)
> > rather than O(n) cost. It should have no effect on the
> > expressed permissions. This should reduce the number of
> > permissions that have to be iterated over. But, I have no
> > idea if traversal of the list is a major issue.
> The permissions with check methods are heavy on performance, we
> may want to check the ones without method first and only if we
> found no permission check the others. Would improve performance
> a lot for some of my use-cases.

Since no permission can cause a 'deny' action, I think sorting it
is safe, but I am not willing to put money on that.

Adding grouping by class (or None for tracker level permissions)
to the existing grouping by permission name I think is a
win. Then sorting within those buckets by:

   no properties assigned no check function
   no properties assigned check function
   properties assigned and properties defined
      without prop_only no check
   properties assigned and properties defined
      without prop_only with check
   properties assigned and defined with prop_only no check function
   properties assigned and defined with prop_only and check function

might be faster. I think this ordering can be expressed using a tuple
with one position for each criteria. So a permission list item for the
first bucket is:

   (properties=0, check=0, prop-only=0, permission object)

and the last bucket is

   (properties=1, check=1, prop-only=1, permission object)

So sorting should be doable.

I am not sure what the default order of permisions is. I think the
order of permissions assigned to a role is in the order it's assigned
in I would expect the order for a user with roles User,
Role1, Role2 would be:

  User permissions in order they were added in
  Role1 permissions in order they were added in
  Role2 permissions in order they were added in

Reordering into buckets as above could help.

> > Sorting the permissions can help as well. I am concerned that
> > sorting could result in changing the applied permissions from
> > the unsorted state. AFAIK, unlike detectors permissions don't
> > have a method to set ordering which plays a role in what
> > permission is expressed.
> I do not think the semantics change. If a person has multiple
> permissions on a Class (and/or properties) this should be
> equivalent to just one permission.

I think you are corect but it's because a permission can't result
in a deny. It can only result in a "I don't match" so the
permission checker moves on to the next item.

Permissions defined with properties (e.g. View) match a request
for View permissions (without properties) on the class. So:

  havePermission('View', 'issue')


  addPermission(name='View', klass='issue', property=['title']).

This may or may not make a difference. It's possible that the
order I outlined above might be more efficient if all permisions
with a check were moved after the permissions without
checks. Otherwise the bucket order stays as above.

Date User Action Args
2024-04-05 02:25:49rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2024-04-05 02:25:49rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, schlatterbeck
2024-04-05 02:25:49rouiljlinkissue2551330 messages
2024-04-05 02:25:49rouiljcreate