Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author kragacles
Recipients kragacles
Date 2024-05-14.16:08:16
Message-id <>
Just updated roundup to 2.3.0 and python 3.12. Ran into a couple of crashes; one when running the mailer and the other when submitting an issue through the web UI.

The mailer appears to be a change in the starttls() method of smptlib.SMTP where the key and cert file args are no longer accepted. The attached patch '' resolves this by creating a separate SSL context and passing it to starttls.

The submission crash looks like a change to pydoc.HMTL.heading() where the number of arguments changed. The attached file does get it working, but as additional arguments were just dropped it is unlikely to be a proper fix. Still might be helpful.
File name Uploaded kragacles, 2024-05-14.16:08:16
Date User Action Args
2024-05-14 16:08:16kragaclessetrecipients: + kragacles
2024-05-14 16:08:16kragaclessetmessageid: <>
2024-05-14 16:08:16kragacleslinkissue2551350 messages
2024-05-14 16:08:16kragaclescreate