Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author asavchuk
Recipients asavchuk, rouilj
Date 2024-05-29.01:46:42
Message-id <>
Hello John, sorry for the long silence.

Thanks for your questions. I thought about this issue. Anything that requires special wsgi server settings doesn't look very good. I can't seem to imagine anything better than using a second container that has the same mounted volume as the main roundup container, but runs a permanent process that has access to the trackers and only serves the mail gateway.

This must be something other than a cron running roundup-mailgw, since a cron job can only use one mailbox and one tracker. We need to be able to set polling times and mailboxes for each tracker. I think it's best if the process gets them from the tracker settings file. This allows us to save mailbox credentials in secret files.

I found a wrapper around that runs as a daemon and polls IMAP mailboxes. It reads the arguments from the input, but I think it’s not difficult to rewrite it to read settings from configuration files. It is located in the scripts/ file of the current Roundup repository:

I'm not sure we need some kind of asynchronous process. To begin with, we can take this wrapper as a starting point.

Also I'm not sure that for container environments we need anything other than IMAP support. POP3 is outdated. Also, no one seems to be mounting mailbox directories into a third party container.

But, wait... maybe we can using REST API to read the settings and communicate with the mail gateway? This looks better than searching for mailgw executable on a mounted volume.

I will try to answer in other threads soon. Sorry again.
Date User Action Args
2024-05-29 01:46:42asavchuksetmessageid: <>
2024-05-29 01:46:42asavchuksetrecipients: + asavchuk, rouilj
2024-05-29 01:46:42asavchuklinkissue2551309 messages
2024-05-29 01:46:42asavchukcreate