Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients rouilj
Date 2024-09-17.23:55:25
Message-id <>
Some thoughts on a Kanban view for issues.

We need to specify:

  items to display
  columns for the board
  card format/fields
  swimlane (optional)

One mapping from an index display is:

  items to display - search results
  columns for the board - @sort field
  card format/fields - @columns display
  swimlane (optional) - @group

An example kanban board for @sort=status, @columns=id,title,assignedto,
@group=sprint (assuming the issues have a sprint property) like:

   Status   Backlog       Ready         Open       Testing      Closed
Sprint    +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
          | -------- | |          | |          | | -------- | |          |
24-10-02  | 1060     | |          | |          | | 1319     | |          |
          | new item | |          | |          | | title 4  | |          |
          | Fred     | |          | |          | | Renee    | |          |
          | ======== | |          | |          | | -------- | |          |
          | 2210     | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          | need fre | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          | Steve    | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          | -------- | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          |          | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          |          | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
          +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
          | -------- | |          | |          | |          | |          |
24-10-16  | 1310     | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          | title 4  | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          | Renee    | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          | -------- | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          |          | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          |          | |          | |          | |          | |          |
          +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+

Each card can be dragged to a new column and on drop, the back end is updated via
REST request to set the issue to its new status.

Consider a drag/drop javascript library:


Maybe use grid for layout of the columns/swimlanes.

Open issues:

  How to display on mobile or when width is too narrow.
  How to configure card layout. Consider a sub-template for each card style.
    That way an admin only needs to design the card level template similar
    to any other template.
Date User Action Args
2024-09-17 23:55:25rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj
2024-09-17 23:55:25rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2024-09-17 23:55:25rouiljlinkissue2551363 messages
2024-09-17 23:55:25rouiljcreate