Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2024-10-21.15:06:40
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
Hi Ralf:

I had a few free minutes to respond to this. Hopefully I'll have time
later today to go through your perf changes.

In message <>,
Ralf Schlatterbeck writes:
>The README in the test directory doesn't contain any hints on what
>is needed to run the tests:
>- What database users do we need
>- What passwords can we use
>- Can we override the default config
>I think the tests should either honor settings in the environment or
>have a small (optional, not checked into a version control system) config

See docs/developer.txt - Testing Notes. It goes over the setup for
developers. live-server tests need the requests package. If you don't
have it the test are (supposed to be) skipped.

Also there are notes in the mysql.txt and postgresql.txt.  Maybe
developer/testing notes in the database docs should be moved to
developers.txt? At least there should be links (currently missing)
from developer.txt to the test sections in the db docs.

>The test *used to* honor the settings RDBMS_USER and RDBMS_PASSWORD
>in the environment. They no longer seem to do this. Note that having
>the password in an environment variable constitutes a security
>risk. But it is still much better than requiring a hard-coded
>password in the source.

Hmm, I never saw/knew that the environment vars were used by the
tests.  I wonder if that changed as part of the patches to use
postgres schemas as well as just a database.

I am a little worried that testing with environment variables that
look like they could be production variables will result in problems
as the tests nuke databases.

>In addition in Postgres when I do have a database user 'rounduptest'
>most tests run for me.
>But a lot of tests seem to use a username 'rounduptest_schema' with
>an unknown/undocumented password. I'm currently not able to make
>these tests run.

See "Running the PostgreSQL unit tests" in ../../doc/postgresql.txt

Are they failing, or are they skipped? I thought I set them up to be
skipped if the schema user/password failed.

References to these docs in a test/README.txt is a good idea.
Date User Action Args
2024-10-21 15:06:40rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, schlatterbeck
2024-10-21 15:06:40rouiljlinkissue2551366 messages
2024-10-21 15:06:40rouiljcreate