Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author schlatterbeck
Recipients rouilj, schlatterbeck
Date 2024-11-25.14:08:49
Message-id <>
When looking at the REST documentation the small section 'Preventing CSRF Attacks' only lists the X-REQUESTED-WITH header as required. But it seems the Origin header is also mandatory, at least on updates. The config option "csrf_enforce_header_origin" has no influence on this.

When recently upgrading a tracker at a customer, one client can no longer run their scripts (which do an update) because they get "Required Header Missing". Unfortunately it doesn't even tell *which* header is missing.

Two things should be done:
- Mention all required and optional headers in the REST-API CSRF section, in particular the headers that are needed even if turned off in config.ini
- Maybe mention *which* header is missing in the error message returned to the user. I'm not sure if this would constitute a security issue but I think not.
Date User Action Args
2024-11-25 14:08:49schlatterbecksetrecipients: + schlatterbeck, rouilj
2024-11-25 14:08:49schlatterbecksetmessageid: <>
2024-11-25 14:08:49schlatterbecklinkissue2551372 messages
2024-11-25 14:08:49schlatterbeckcreate