Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ajaksu2, rouilj, tobias-herp
Date 2025-01-15.04:20:17
Message-id <>
I happened to be coming through the template code today.

It looks like every input at least is supposed to have an id.
The radiobutton and checkbox branch of the code is broken.

def _set_input_default_args(dic):
    # 'text' is the default value anyway --
    # but for CSS usage it should be present
    dic.setdefault('type', 'text')
    # useful e.g for HTML LABELs:
    if 'id' not in dic:
            if dic['text'] in ('radio', 'checkbox'):
                dic['id'] = '%(name)s-%(value)s' % dic
                dic['id'] = dic['name']
        except KeyError:

maybe your patches just indicate that there are code paths missing a call to

issue 2551391 tracks fixing the bug (text should be type) above.
Date User Action Args
2025-01-15 04:20:18rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2025-01-15 04:20:18rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, tobias-herp, ajaksu2
2025-01-15 04:20:18rouiljlinkissue1513369 messages
2025-01-15 04:20:17rouiljcreate