Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author randy
Recipients randy
Date 2025-01-22.18:26:57
Message-id <>
Hey. Here are the mssqlserver backend files my org is using for their old roundup issue tracker install. I'm not sure if back_mssqlserver.pyc or _old.pyc would be of interest to you, but I've included them just in case.

I have no expectation for anyone to convert this backend for python3 and newer versions of issue tracker for me. But if you'd like, you can use this as reference to implement an mssqlserver backend alternative for future versions. We don't own this and I don't believe it was anyone in my org wrote who it. Maybe modified.

Thanks for all your help!
File name Uploaded
back_mssqlserver.pyc randy, 2025-01-22.18:26:58
back_mssqlserver_old.pyc randy, 2025-01-22.18:26:57
Date User Action Args
2025-01-22 18:26:58randysetrecipients: + randy
2025-01-22 18:26:58randysetmessageid: <>
2025-01-22 18:26:58randylinkissue2551394 messages
2025-01-22 18:26:58randycreate