Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ThomasAH, ber, ngaba, rouilj, schlatterbeck, stefan, tobias-herp
Date 2025-01-24.13:25:36
Message-id <>
Reopening in response to msg8322, msg8323, msg8324, and msg8325.

Synopsis: Need a way to allow all date inputs to use YYYY-mm-dd[T .]HH:MM:ss in
one swoop rather than editing every date item. Ralf suggested a setting similar
to "WEB_USE_BROWSER_LANGUAGE". Thomas suggested some javascript to overlay the
edit display with a static date display. You couldn't edit the individual date
fields fields, but in theory (if you sized/placed it correctly) could use the
native calendar popup. He also had concerns about maintaining and testing the JS.

When this is implemented, I am not sure if it should enable native date editing
or disable it (using current 2.4 setup) by default. Naming of the config option is
also open.

I am also open to unclosing the date picker issues (which may have to happen anyway)
and reverting this patch.
Date User Action Args
2025-01-24 13:25:36rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2025-01-24 13:25:36rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, schlatterbeck, stefan, ber, tobias-herp, ThomasAH, ngaba
2025-01-24 13:25:36rouiljlinkissue2551390 messages
2025-01-24 13:25:36rouiljcreate