Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author rouilj
Recipients ThomasAH, ber, ngaba, rouilj, schlatterbeck, stefan, tobias-herp
Date 2025-02-05.14:09:19
Message-id <>
Ralf said:

> So my vote would be to make the use of the date picker configurable
> and make the old format the default

I am fine with that. Can you please make the changes.
A setting under the [web] key sounds reasonable to disable
it tracker wide. Probably leave it disabled by default.

If you can please add a setting for the native number type as well. I think
it works better than the date types, but for the same reason a user may want
to turn it off.

Please also update upgrading.txt. I think most of the text there can
stay. Add info about it being disabled by default at the top and how to
enable it and replace any words about it being enabled by default.

Also change user_guide.txt. Move the part about using a native date element
to a subsection with a new header.

Ralf the issue you noted with the native time input is why the doubleclick
hander was added. It allows the user to fall back to the text input with
international date. I agree however that the usability issues when using
date heavy workflows makes it reasonable to default to off.

Also Ralf, setting format to anything except international format should
result in the normal text input.
Date User Action Args
2025-02-05 14:09:19rouiljsetmessageid: <>
2025-02-05 14:09:19rouiljsetrecipients: + rouilj, schlatterbeck, stefan, ber, tobias-herp, ThomasAH, ngaba
2025-02-05 14:09:19rouiljlinkissue2551390 messages
2025-02-05 14:09:19rouiljcreate