Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author pschwabauer
Recipients ber, pschwabauer, rouilj
Date 2025-03-10.09:52:40
Message-id <>
The reason for the failing installation is this line in
line_break = re.compile(';|\\$|\\x0c|^\s*#|{')
`\s` is not a valid escape character and, therefore, not valid Python code. Before Python 3.12, this resulted in a deprecation warning; with Python 3.12, this is no longer allowed.

A workaround can be to build the bindings yourself using the upstream version. Here is an example of how to do this with the current CI:

Here is the running workflow:

The upstream support for creating packages that can be built and uploaded to PyPi is currently broken (I guess this has not been tested, as there are no up-to-date gpgme bindings on PyPi).

> Unfortunately the pip package was never official.
It is official, citing the README of the upstream repository:
> The python bindings were renamed from PyME to “gpg” in 2016.

The official also uses the name gpg; if this is not official, the upstream developers should strive to take over the package name or at least replace it with a dummy package.

If only the CI needs to be fixed, it should be enough to install the already mentioned python3-gpg package. The Python bindings were recently moved to a separate repository:, and it may be better to contact the developers to restore the maintenance of the PyPi package.
Date User Action Args
2025-03-10 09:52:40pschwabauersetmessageid: <>
2025-03-10 09:52:40pschwabauersetrecipients: + pschwabauer, ber, rouilj
2025-03-10 09:52:40pschwabauerlinkissue2551368 messages
2025-03-10 09:52:40pschwabauercreate