Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author wking
Recipients wking
Date 2012-06-29.18:49:12
Message-id <>
words =+ patch]"
> >
> > Perhaps a strip() is in order.  Or should the user remove the spaces
> > when composing the subject?
> Probably the best workaround is to not use spaces for now, I'm not sure
> what other repercussions a strip there could have (not only keywords are
> parsed that way).
> If you think it's safe I'm open for a patch :-)

Spaces are already stripped from the property name.  I don't see what
harm stripping them from the property value could have.
File name Uploaded
strip-spaces-from-subject-property-values.patch wking, 2012-06-29.18:49:12
Date User Action Args
2012-06-29 18:49:12wkingsetrecipients: + wking
2012-06-29 18:49:12wkinglinkissue2550763 messages
2012-06-29 18:49:12wkingcreate