Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 2550656

with more than 50 items, the simple classhelp javascript windows do not allow to select from all items (affects keywords, superceder)
Type: behavior Severity: normal
Components: Web interface Versions: 1.5, 1.4
Status: open remind
: Add roundup-classhelper for 2.4.0 release
View: 2551353
: : LudwigReiter, ThomasAH, ber, jslader, rouilj, tonimueller
Priority: normal :

Created on 2010-07-03 16:34 by tonimueller, last changed 2025-01-19 03:47 by rouilj.

File name Uploaded Description Edit Remove LudwigReiter, 2019-11-11 08:38
msg4085 Author: [hidden] (tonimueller) Date: 2010-07-03 16:34
When I have more than 50 keywords and want to assign them from different
pages in the keyword picker window, the list of keywords gets cleared
whenever I switch to a different page. So, I end up with the ability to
choose only keywords from one page, which is of course inappropriate.
msg4383 Author: [hidden] (jslader) Date: 2011-08-18 15:18
I am experiencing the same issue. Was a solution found?
msg4390 Author: [hidden] (ber) Date: 2011-08-22 08:21
James, thanks for pinging here.
You are using the latest version of roundup I assume?
Do you expect the problem to be web browser specific?

msg4408 Author: [hidden] (ber) Date: 2011-09-03 20:36
I can recreate the problem with rev4645
and chromium v13.0.752.0 .
msg4409 Author: [hidden] (ber) Date: 2011-09-03 21:09
The problem is also there with the item list of the superceder,
so it is a more generic problem with the javascript classhelp windows.
The more complex one for the users works, though.

A dirty and limited workaround would be to raise the pagesize in the 
template in the classhelp link to over 50, so someone always gets all 
entries on one page.

However this javascript issue should be fixed of course
and the user dialog shows that it is possible.
msg4413 Author: [hidden] (jslader) Date: 2011-09-05 08:05
Bernhard, I have just returned from my Summer holiday so sorry for not
responding earlier. I inherited responsibility for a Roundup Issue
tracker which was customised approximately 2 years ago for our company.
The Issue tracker is deployed in 2 sites, with only one site having so
far exceeded 50 keywords. I came to similar conclusions as you in 
msg4409, and have already increased the pagesize for keywords as a
temporary measure.

I am a beginner with respect to Roundup. I assume that it would be a
good idea for me to obtain the latest Roundup source code and to bring
our Issue Trackers up to date.
msg4414 Author: [hidden] (ber) Date: 2011-09-05 09:38
James, in general it is always a good idea to upgrade roundup
to the latest stable version. If you need help for considering this, I 
would ask on the roundup-users list.

For this particular issue an upgrade would not help of course
as it is still persistent within the current version. :)
msg5203 Author: [hidden] (ThomasAH) Date: 2015-02-04 09:10
Still an issue with Roundup 1.5

As a workaround we increased the page size from 50 to 500 in our local
installation, but of course this is not a real solution.
msg5837 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2016-07-12 00:45
This is the same as: issue933936 opened by richard, so this has been
around for a while. Closing that issue with this issue as the superseder.

This is still an issue for the 1.6.0 release.
msg6816 Author: [hidden] (LudwigReiter) Date: 2019-11-11 08:38
We have a user specific solution for the selection problem in
fast-decomposed. It seems that it can be used for generic with small changes (removing the search part).
Perhaps this is useful for the main branch templates.
msg6819 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2019-11-16 01:56
Hi Ludwig:

I took a look it seems the major change is to

at the top of that file I see this inside tal:define:

  qs request/env/QUERY_STRING;
  qs python:'&'.join([a for a in qs.split('&') if not 

I assume the first qs is incorrect? I think the last definition is the 
one that's used.

I hope to have some more time to look at it this weekend.

Thanks for your suggestion.

-- rouilj
msg6820 Author: [hidden] (ThomasAH) Date: 2019-11-16 06:19
* John Rouillard <> [20191116 02:56]:
> I took a look it seems the major change is to

This is with minimal changes.

> at the top of that file I see this inside tal:define:
>   qs request/env/QUERY_STRING;
>   qs python:'&'.join([a for a in qs.split('&') if not 
> a.startswith('@template=')]);
> I assume the first qs is incorrect? I think the last definition is the 
> one that's used.

This is the same in, the second line inclused "qs" on
the right side of the assignment.

Both lines could probably (=untested) be combined into a long one:

   qs python:'&'.join([a for a in path('request/env/QUERY_STRING').split('&') if not a.startswith('@template=')]);

but I'm not sure that this is better :)
msg8007 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2024-04-22 16:07
Just a note that I have students in a graduate software engineering capstone
project class working on a web component to wrap/replace the classhelper. It uses
the REST interface to allow paging through multiple blocks while keeping
the currently selected items.

The github repo is:
msg8264 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2025-01-13 19:27
The work the students did was integrated into roundup 2.4 as part of issue2551353.
It is now the default classhelper and handles the issues reported on this ticket.

Roundup 2.4 is needed as the backend and the user has to have REST access.
Without REST access, the new classhelper falls back to this old one.
msg8297 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2025-01-19 03:47
Even though the replacement classhelper in Roundup 2.4 will fall back to this
classhelper if REST access is not available, I am tempted to close this as won't fix.

If anybody has any objections or would like to take this on to fix, speak now.
Date User Action Args
2025-01-19 03:47:27rouiljsetresolution: remind
messages: + msg8297
2025-01-13 19:27:57rouiljsetstatus: fixed -> open
resolution: fixed -> (no value)
2025-01-13 19:27:45rouiljsetstatus: new -> fixed
superseder: Add roundup-classhelper for 2.4.0 release
resolution: fixed
messages: + msg8264
2024-04-22 16:07:28rouiljsetmessages: + msg8007
2019-11-16 06:19:02ThomasAHsetmessages: + msg6820
2019-11-16 01:56:31rouiljsetmessages: + msg6819
2019-11-11 08:38:53LudwigReitersetfiles: +
nosy: + LudwigReiter
messages: + msg6816
2019-10-25 14:58:07rouiljsettype: behavior
2016-07-12 00:45:30rouiljsetnosy: + rouilj
messages: + msg5837
2016-07-12 00:42:00rouiljlinkissue933936 superseder
2015-02-04 09:10:48ThomasAHsetpriority: normal
nosy: + ThomasAH
messages: + msg5203
versions: + 1.5
2011-09-05 09:38:35bersetmessages: + msg4414
2011-09-05 08:05:26jsladersetmessages: + msg4413
2011-09-03 21:09:50bersetpriority: normal -> (no value)
messages: + msg4409
title: problem handling more than 50 keywords, keyword picker -> with more than 50 items, the simple classhelp javascript windows do not allow to select from all items (affects keywords, superceder)
2011-09-03 20:36:14bersetpriority: normal
messages: + msg4408
2011-08-22 08:21:31bersetnosy: + ber
messages: + msg4390
title: problem handling more than 50 keywords -> problem handling more than 50 keywords, keyword picker
2011-08-18 15:18:51jsladersetnosy: + jslader
messages: + msg4383
2010-07-03 16:34:41tonimuellercreate