Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ThomasAH
Recipients LudwigReiter, ThomasAH, ber, jslader, rouilj, tonimueller
Date 2019-11-16.06:19:02
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
* John Rouillard <> [20191116 02:56]:
> I took a look it seems the major change is to

This is with minimal changes.

> at the top of that file I see this inside tal:define:
>   qs request/env/QUERY_STRING;
>   qs python:'&'.join([a for a in qs.split('&') if not 
> a.startswith('@template=')]);
> I assume the first qs is incorrect? I think the last definition is the 
> one that's used.

This is the same in, the second line inclused "qs" on
the right side of the assignment.

Both lines could probably (=untested) be combined into a long one:

   qs python:'&'.join([a for a in path('request/env/QUERY_STRING').split('&') if not a.startswith('@template=')]);

but I'm not sure that this is better :)
Date User Action Args
2019-11-16 06:19:02ThomasAHsetrecipients: + ThomasAH, ber, rouilj, tonimueller, jslader, LudwigReiter
2019-11-16 06:19:02ThomasAHlinkissue2550656 messages
2019-11-16 06:19:02ThomasAHcreate