Roundup Tracker - Issues

Issue 2551336

FAILED test/ - AssertionErro
Type: compile error Severity: normal
Components: Test Versions: 2.3.0
Status: closed duplicate
: FAILED test/ - AssertionError
View: 2551335
: : ceamac, rouilj
Priority: :

Created on 2024-04-20 11:48 by ceamac, last changed 2024-04-20 17:52 by ceamac.

msg7990 Author: [hidden] (ceamac) Date: 2024-04-20 11:48
Thank you for fixing issue #2551272

There are 2 more tests that fail in, tested with python 3.11 and python 3.12.

______________________________________ Markdown2TestCase.test_string_markdown_link_item _______________________________________

self = <test.test_templating.Markdown2TestCase testMethod=test_string_markdown_link_item>

    def test_string_markdown_link_item(self):
        """ The link formats for the different markdown engines changes.
            Order of attributes, value for rel (noopener, nofollow etc)
            is different. So most tests check for a substring that indicates
            success rather than the entire returned string.
        p = StringHTMLProperty(self.client, 'test', '1', None, 'test', u2s(u'An issue1 link'))
        self.assertIn( u2s(u'href="issue1"'), p.markdown().strip())
        # just verify that plain linking is working
        self.assertIn( u2s(u'href="issue1"'), p.plain(hyperlink=1))
        p = StringHTMLProperty(self.client, 'test', '1', None, 'test', u2s(u'An [issue1](issue1) link'))
        self.assertIn( u2s(u'href="issue1"'), p.markdown().strip())
        # just verify that plain linking is working
        self.assertIn( u2s(u'href="issue1"'), p.plain(hyperlink=1))
        p = StringHTMLProperty(self.client, 'test', '1', None, 'test', u2s(u'An [issue1]( link'))
>       self.assertIn( u2s(u'href=""'), p.markdown().strip())
E       AssertionError: 'href=""' not found in '<p>An <a href="#">issue1</a> link</p>'

p          = <StringHTMLProperty(0x7f927064fc10) test1@test None 'An [issue1]( link'>
self       = <test.test_templating.Markdown2TestCase testMethod=test_string_markdown_link_item>

test/ AssertionError
msg7991 Author: [hidden] (rouilj) Date: 2024-04-20 16:19
Closing ad duplicate of issue 2551335
msg7996 Author: [hidden] (ceamac) Date: 2024-04-20 17:52
This one also passes using the github repo.
Date User Action Args
2024-04-20 17:52:41ceamacsetmessages: + msg7996
2024-04-20 16:19:58rouiljsetstatus: new -> closed
superseder: FAILED test/ - AssertionError
resolution: duplicate
messages: + msg7991
nosy: + rouilj
2024-04-20 11:48:43ceamaccreate