Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author radioking
Recipients amona82, radioking
Date 2010-08-19.15:06:23
Message-id <>
> New submission from amani <>:
> 1-IN every table there is a field called"retired" i don't know what is the
> mean and for what?

This indicates if the message is "retired".
When a message is in this state it is not longer displayed in an issue's
message list.
This is used to hide unwanted or obsolete messages.
It's a concept of deleting messages without really deleting it from
database. It is just marked as "deleted", if you wish.

> i can create users from admin screen, but not as a anonymous user.

Does this mean you are not able to register a new user by clicking the
link in the web-interface?
Are there any error messages displayed or sent as email to tracker admin?
This information might be of interest for the specialists here... ;-)
Date User Action Args
2010-08-19 15:06:24radiokingsetmessageid: <>
2010-08-19 15:06:24radiokingsetrecipients: + radioking, amona82
2010-08-19 15:06:24radiokinglinkissue2550666 messages
2010-08-19 15:06:23radiokingcreate