Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author ber
Recipients ber, luke
Date 2011-08-10.19:46:57
Message-id <>
Hi Luke!
Thanks for your feedback about the German translation.
You are of course correct that "E-Mail" seems to be the official
spelling in Germany. Note that I personally still use "Email" because I 
believe it is okay to form new words, especially when they are such a 
good fit. And the Duden makers do not seem experts on elektronic things 
anyway. They authorized "gedownloadet" . :)

Anyway, I did not do the translation, nor do I have strong feeling here, 
so feel free to prepare a patch against the po file? 

Best Regards and thanks again for trying roundup,
Date User Action Args
2011-08-10 19:46:58bersetmessageid: <>
2011-08-10 19:46:58bersetrecipients: + ber, luke
2011-08-10 19:46:58berlinkissue2550717 messages
2011-08-10 19:46:57bercreate