Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author wking
Recipients ThomasAH, ber, richard, stefan, tonimueller, wking
Date 2012-05-15.16:54:00
Message-id <>
I also agree that `' is important.  After reading the
config comments:

  # The 'dispatcher' is a role that can get notified
  # of new items to the database.

It seems to me that DISPATCHER_EMAIL should be notified of all new
items, not just bounced messages as is currently hardcoded into

I've attached a tweaked version of `' that implements
this for all items.  I thing that a number of email-generating methods
from IssueClass should actually be Item methods, so they can also be
used on non-Issue nodes.  This would remove a lot of the duplicated
code from my `'
File name Uploaded wking, 2012-05-15.16:53:59
Date User Action Args
2012-05-15 16:54:00wkingsetrecipients: + wking, richard, stefan, ber, tonimueller, ThomasAH
2012-05-15 16:54:00wkinglinkissue2550574 messages
2012-05-15 16:54:00wkingcreate