Roundup Tracker - Issues


Author sqz
Recipients ezio.melotti, rouilj, sqz
Date 2012-09-16.10:48:41
Message-id <>
Thank you for the answers.
Yes of course everybody has their own preferences.
As far as Im concerned, lets leave it at this, the tweaks can be found 
in this issue.
The templates are easy editable, so everybody can tweak it to his/her 
I also agree we shouldnt include too much frontend-assumptions, 
configurable or not.
Rounduptracker is an highly configurable opensource softwaresolution 
which can satisfy everybody after some tweaking.
Date User Action Args
2012-09-16 10:48:42sqzsetmessageid: <>
2012-09-16 10:48:42sqzsetrecipients: + sqz, rouilj, ezio.melotti
2012-09-16 10:48:42sqzlinkissue2550777 messages
2012-09-16 10:48:41sqzcreate